
Residents Donate Record-Breaking $81,550 to Hourly Employees

Beverly Stern Employee Appreciation Committee chair is shown with Don Robertshaw

Applewood does not permit tipping for service. Over six years ago, a group of residents, spearheaded by Ruth Dowdell and Virginia Allen, formed the Employee Appreciation Committee to start an annual fund drive to raise money for tangible gifts to hourly employees.

The annual fund drive traditionally kicks off in July and ends on November 1.

The funds are distributed to each hourly worker based upon their total hours worked, being employed as of October 1, 2020, and a performance review rating of at least “satisfactory.”

The list of applicable employees is compiled by CentraState Healthcare System (with whom Applewood is affiliated), and the Applewood Business Office calculates the amount of each employee’s gift.

This year, despite the COVID-19 crisis, which delayed the donation kick-off until August 1, the Employee Appreciation Fund raised a record-breaking $81,550, an increase of $13,000 compared to 2019.

Most significantly, resident participation in 2020 was a record-setting 78 percent.

This morning, seven Committee members joined several resident volunteers to write, sign, and prepare 194 employee checks, which will be presented to employees just before Thanksgiving.

As a token of thanks for their time, volunteers received homemade cookies, provided by Dining Services.

This resident-sponsored and facilitated annual giving effort is supported by the Applewood administration and represents another example of our mutually supportive alliance, which contributes to making our community so unique.

I took the liberty of writing the poem below, which will be included with the employee gifts:

Applewood residents have long been blessed

With the best staff to be found

But in this COVID-19 pandemic

Our accolades for you abound.

Putting your own health concerns aside

You came to work every day

To ensure that each one of us

Was cared for in every way.

Your smiles were evident in your eyes

Though your mouth and nose were masked

Your fantastic attitude and compassion

Were apparent in every task.

 There really are no words to tell you

The depth of gratitude we feel

So we hope this gift will let you know

That our appreciation is very real.