What’s new at Applewood?

Into the Swing Dance Party

Live Big Band Music by Colt’s Neck Swing Band!

Saturday, June 8 at 1:00 p.m.

It’s no time to be a wallflower.  RSVP now at 732-303-7416 or register online using the form below.  A retirement counselor will call to confirm your reservation.

Experience Engaged Living. Life at your best.
Engaged Living means getting the most from every day. It’s a lifestyle that nurtures your mind, body and spirit. Discover the daily joy of engaging with the people and activities that promote your continued well being.


While you are here, take a tour of our community where you live as independently as you choose but with peace of mind of knowing care is available when you need it. As a partner of CentraState Healthcare Systems, we are here to help make sure feeling your best is a part of living your best life.


Due to high demand, we can only accommodate one guest per party.